European School of Manual Therapy
The school was founded in 2000 by Ghahraman Divanbeighi (D.O) osteopath and
teacher who for years has been involved in teaching osteopathy and manual techniques in
physiotherapy both in Italy and abroad with foreign universities. A group of teachers of
unquestionable fame and quality collaborate with the school.
The school offers a training course which is a fantastic opportunity to stimulate the clinical
practice of physiotherapists. At the end of the course there is a final exam for obtaining
MTCP (Manual Therapy-Certificate Program).
There are 6 seminars (of 4 days and 1 week "full
immersion" which include: Manipulative techniques for the lower limb, upper limb, lumbar
spine, pelvic, thoracic and cervical spine, visceral and post-partum techniques, Technique
cranio-temporomandibular (TMJ), myofascial and MET, cranio-sacral techniques.
Teaching aids
The theoretical-practical lessons will be supported by the presence of teaching tutors and
handouts will be provided during the manual therapy lessons.
Filming and recording: pursuant to privacy legislation, students are required to ask each
teacher for authorization for audio recording, photographic filming and video recording, if
authorization is granted. For the theoretical-practical lessons, students must wear suitable
clothing and bring a bath towel large enough to cover the bed used for the simulations.
Attendance is mandatory.
Teaching methodology and purpose: to develop clinical reasoning and therapeutic
management skills. Provide training elements in manual therapy, on a theoretical and
practical level, which allows the professional to take charge of functional pathologies.
There are hours of internship which are entirely compulsory.